Export to pdf not working flowjo 10
Export to pdf not working flowjo 10

export to pdf not working flowjo 10

The standards for field labels for FCS 3.1 can be found here on page 10 of 34:īut this can get confusing because different software platforms can use different fields for different things, such as the $SRC field, or “source”, is used to store the “Specimen name” in Diva. NOW, in Diva 8 (not sure about 7, I didnt have it long enough to know), BOTH exporting formats (experiment or fcs) label the file “specimen_tube_#.fcs” where the number is the order of the files in the experiment layout, so you can’t easily tell the different export formats apart… When you export as “Experiment” in Diva 6, the file name for the fcs files is a 5 digit number associated with the database in Diva (“34567.fcs”), and if you use these files in Flowjo the file name in the workspace is just the number (which you can get around by having the workspace display the tube name for the file so you can identify them) and if you display H and W parameters, they are switched-FSC-H is showing FSC-W and vice versa. So in Diva 6, when you export as “FCS”, the file name is “Specimen_tube.fcs”, so when you load the file into Flowjo the file is identified by the filename (which is specimen and tube), and all parameters map correctly. We have Diva 6 running on our LSRs and Diva 8 on our SORP Aria.

export to pdf not working flowjo 10

Different export formats in Diva work differently in Flowjo, and Diva 8 has some changes from Diva 6 that I thought it was worth addressing…

Export to pdf not working flowjo 10